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Swedish volunteer longing for 2013

Åse Kaati from the Swedish city of Luleå, has a huge love for ice hockey. During the winter season in Sweden, Luleå hockey is always a hot topic. But during IIHF 2013 World Championship Stockholm & Helsinki, Åse will also be taking time off to be a volunteer in Stockholm.

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"Having the opportunity to be behind the scenes is a fantastic experience," she says, referring to the fact that she worked all through the event in 2012 and knows what she is taking about.

Åse Kaati grew up in Kiruna and now lives in Luleå. Both cities are in the very north of Sweden. She loves icehockey, is very active on twitter where she both follow sport journalists and they also have started to follow her. In May 2012 she took time off from being a teacher student, travelled south and joined the volunteers during IIHF WM in Stockholm.

"I noticed an advertisement on the website for Luleå hockey. I answered and explained that I was interested to work. I didn´t have much hope to be selected but was extremely happy when I got a notice that said I was," she remembers. "Then to be a part of everything and be right there at the spot was so much better then I ever could have imagined."

At a game in Luleå, Åse is wearing the team shirt and a scarf with the team logo, of course. As we talk there is one person after another stops and talks to Åse. She is well recognized and keeps hugging, laughing and talking with a smile on her face.On the way to her permanent seat, she´s got seasontickets, she gives the security guard a hug.

"To work during the championship 2012 was amazing. I got lots of new friends and keep in touch with many of them. Besides working I had time to watch a few games and also when teams practiced a few times," she says. "I didn´t want to go home in the evening. Icehockey has always been my relaxation and like a free zone. To be a part of a totally new and unique experience and be behind the scenes was the best ever. "

Lucky enough for the Swedish organization and for the journalists and photographers that she kept up such good service for, Åse Kaati is returning in 2013.

"To be a part of the event was my reward. There is no way I am going to miss it. Who knows when the opportunity comes back," says Åse.

To apply as a volunteer in Stockholm follow this link: www.vmvolontär2013.se

In Helsinki, the volunteers have been recruited out of those who took part in the volunteer program in May 2012. The first get-together will take place on Thursday, December 13 at Hartwall Arena, at the same time as Team Finland meets Czezh Republic in the opening game of the Channel One Cup (EHT).
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